Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Great God

Four days ago I started a post updating my woeful Wednesday with a fretful Friday.
  • How we didn't have Lucas for the weekend because he didn't want to leave his mom and wouldn't stay in his car seat (Buckle guard?? HA! I'll just climb out of the belt!). Larry finally had to just leave him there, since he can't very well drive 20+ miles with the boy not in a safety restraint. Sigh.
  • How my car didn't start Thursday night even though it started immediately after getting a new battery Thursday morning. My husband was still chauffeuring me. Oh, and then his car sucked up $270 for new rotors. Did I mention how we have one income (plus a teensy bit of unemployment compensation) right now?
  • How, more importantly, my friend T was still in the ICU, on a ventilator, in "grave condition".
I never finished the post. Just didn't get back to it. But TODAY... Oh, do I have wonderful news to report. 

Last night, much to the shock of her daughters, T came off the ventilator. PRAISE GOD!!!

Just a little while ago I had an email from T's younger daughter, saying they had much to be thankful for. Three days ago the doctors put T's chance of recovery at less than 50%. Yesterday the doctors took her off the ventilator and dialysis, and she was able to quietly speak to her family for the first time in over a week. She's still on oxygen, and there's a long, hard recovery ahead, but she is breathing on her own. 

So this Thanksgiving, T's daughters have so much extra to be thankful for. And I am so thankful for our church family, the many people who prayed their hearts out that T be healed, and God, who heard us calling.

Oh, and my car has run fine since Friday. Just like that.

That's faith, folks. Pure and simple.

God is good.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Woeful Wednesday: Prayers & Praise

Things I am struggling with this week:
  • A friend of mine from church (we'll call her "T"), is in the hospital. She was taken in by ambulance on Saturday night due to Type A Flu, and Diabetic Acidosis. When I received word on Monday she was on a ventilator. Yesterday I found out she also has pneumonia, and her kidneys were not functioning. Last night the doctors in the Intensive Care Unit placed her in a drug-induced coma so her body can rest while they try to treat her. T is 41 and has three children - a son (21), and two daughters (17 and 18). Her older daughter is pregnant and due in about six weeks. Lord, please heal T... her family needs her.
  • My car wouldn't start this morning. For the last year or so it has groaned a little when starting in cold weather, and it has gotten cold here in the last few days. With our current income situation, we can't afford a big repair. I've already been a little on edge because inspection is due this month. So my husband drove me to school this morning, then picked me up and brought me to work. He and our neighbor will be trying to jump-start my car this afternoon. I just pray all it needs is a battery...
  • We have Lucas this weekend. Bedtime scares me.
Things I am thankful for today:
  • Our church family, who is praying for T and her family, and helping out with meals and cleaning.
  • Good neighbors. After Hector and my husband took an initial look at my car, Hector fixed our piece of rain spouting that's been swaying in the wind. Hector is a contractor, and also installed our new kitchen light, and is going to help us fix up our window frames and eventually put laminate flooring down in our living and dining rooms. Hector and family, you rock!!
  • Good health. It can be fragile. Protect it. (Now if only I could take my own advice...)
  • Good friends. Other moms who are there to give advice and support whenever you need it.
  • My husband, who is chauffeuring me today without complaint. Also, he brought me ice cream last night. :o)
  • The grace of God, who gets us through, even when we think it's impossible. Who forgives us when we stumble, and we stumble a lot. Thank you.
Things to remember today, this week, and always:
  • "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." - Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
  • "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
I Will Praise You in This Storm (song by Casting Crowns)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blue Wednesday

Once in a while, even though I have Jesus and Prozac, I still have one of those days where I just feel kind of down. Today is one of those days. Now that I think of it, yesterday was one of those days too.

Yesterday I think I would have given anything to just stay home with my husband, even though my husband is only home because he's still out of work. I ran out of vacation time in September, mostly because of school projects in the Spring that I had to take time off for. I really look forward to having options again on days like that.

Today... I think it's a combination of things. I'm tired. The holidays are coming. Christmas is coming and we only have one income. This isn't the best semester I've had.

I met with my adviser at school this morning and it hit me just a little harder that, in just over a year, I'll have to quit my job (yay!) and finish my last two semesters of school - professional block, then student teaching. Normally thinking about that makes me happy. So we're back to the one-income issue. I guess I'm scared to death that Larry won't find something that supports us well enough in that last year of school. I'm afraid something will happen (or WON'T happen) that keeps me from graduating.

And we have Lucas tonight. Thinking about the recent bedtime drama makes me dread going home, for fear of what tonight's bedtime might bring. So, again, I pray for peace...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted! Hope you did too.

I know I'm not alone when I say that this has been one of the most exciting presidential races I've ever seen. I found myself more interested in, and more passionate about, political issues than ever before. Sure, part of it may be because I'm in my mid-30's now; suddenly it all starts to seem more and more important as we age and realize just how deeply issues affect us. But aside from that, knowing that the country is going to make history no matter which way the election turns out is pretty exciting (though potentially frightening).

Getting up in the morning is not one of my favorite things. Most days I end up running late to work or school, and it doesn't seem to matter what time I have to get up, or what time the alarm clock is set for. Today, however, I was up bright and early to get to my polling place by 7:00 and cast my vote for Barack Obama. OK, I admit I got there about 7:10, but I still consider that impressive for someone who curses the alarm each and every time she hits the snooze button.

I know a lot of people voting today for Obama. I also know a lot who disagree with me and are voting for McCain. I have my reasons for supporting Obama, and I know the main reason why some of my friends don't support him. Part of me has wanted to do a blog entry on all of my reasons, but the truth is that I've gotten tired of arguing. I understand what those who disagree with me are saying, and I've looked at (some of) the YouTube videos posted on Facebook, but I have stood firm with my decision and I feel good about it.

While we may not agree on the candidates or the issues, it's important that we all make our voices heard and make sure our votes count. And maybe it's just as important that we learn to respectfully disagree. I've read articles on so many web sites, and the public comments on those sites (and on YouTube) are really out of hand. People can't seem to disagree without being vulgur and hateful, and that's not going to help anyone in the end.

Finally, I also know I'm not alone when I say I'll be happy when the day is over. Won't it be great to watch television or listen to the radio again without the constant barrage of campaign ads?